(256) 203-6464
Narcolepsy is a neurological disorder that involves dysfunctional sleep-wake cycles. This condition can be incredible disruptive to everyday life and can even cause sudden attacks of sleep, loss in in muscle tone, and hallucinations.​
Like several other sleep disorders, Narcolepsy can be tested for and diagnosed during a sleep study at one of our convenient locations in Huntsville or Decatur.
Narcolepsy can affect virtually anyone in the world, and onset of this condition typically occurs later in life, although people may experience symptoms during childhood.​ The cause of this condition is unknown. Scientists have linked narcolepsy with certain genes that are responsible for controlling the sleep-wake cycle. The condition has also been linked to brain abnormalities in the regions that regulate REM sleep. Symptoms include excessive daytime sleepiness, obesity, disrupted nocturnal sleep, and more.
Our physicians can diagnose narcolepsy with a medical history interview along with an analysis of your symptoms and lifestyle. A physical examination may be completed to rule out other possible conditions. Then, your sleep specialists will conduct a series of tests in the sleep clinic to confirm the diagnosis of narcolepsy.
Treatment of narcolepsy revolves around making lifestyle changes in addition to taking prescribed medications. Your unique symptoms and medical history will help determine which treatment plan your doctor recommends. Keep in mind that you may have to try several medications before arriving at the one that works best for you.